Both are quite weighted options in terms of pros and cons and probably only best for people who really understand the numbers. Yuria the Witch's Cursed Weapon on the other hand add 50% physical damage to a weapon but drains HP while it's active.

The catalyst also need to be held in your other hand. Sage Freke's Light Weapon spell adds magical damage on an enchantable weapon for 60 seconds dependent your catalyst's stats. The Silver Demon Soul is an odd one as you can trade it for a spell to enchant weapons which works with a mainly melee build using magical abilities.

If you're a magic user you absolutely want trade this for one of the spells or miracles as each one is one of the heaviest hitting things in the game. The Dragon Demon Soul is likely the first archdemon soul you'll get (an area's final boss) as it's a puzzle based encounter rather then a true boss fight. Can be traded for the Fireball spell from Sage Freke, the Firestorm spell from Yuria, the Witch, or the God's Wrath miracle from Saint Urbain.Dropped by the Dragon God in Stonefang Tunnel.It also doesn't scale so that initial high damage can ultimately be outpaced late game. As a result it'll take up a big chunk of your weight allowance, and require some timing to use well. The Dozer Axe looks great and has very high damage initially but it's massively heavy and slow. The Grey Demon Soul is probably one to eat early on for the souls. Can be given to Blacksmith Ed to ascend a Battle Axe +6 into the Dozer Axe.Dropped by the Vanguard in either the tutorial or the Shrine of Storms.The Lead Demon Soul is the first demon's soul you'll get in the game and unless you want the scraping spear it's probably fine to consume it for the souls.