‘ OneNote desktop’ is a free desktop app included in Office 2021/2019 and Microsoft 365 that runs on all supported versions of Microsoft Windows. We prefer to use the term ‘ OneNote desktop’ or ‘ OneNote for Windows desktop’. It’s asking for more confusion and misunderstanding. Microsoft wants us to just call it “OneNote” which is silly because there’s several OneNote apps (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and web). OneNote – this was previously referred to as “OneNote 2016”, and “OneNote 2013” in earlier years. The two available options available for Windows users are: “OneNote” or OneNote desktop OneNote for Windows – two possibilities … With Microsoft’s not-so-clear naming, it’s no wonder customers are left confused.

Microsoft failed to decide which OneNote program to prefer for years and ran two programs side by side. Previously we’ve explained about the upcoming changes for OneNote, including how Microsoft have decided to keep the OneNote desktop program ongoing, and retire the Windows 10 ‘modern’ app.